Military Coup China - The visit of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Myanmar last week was the first time for an official. Senior Beijing since the coup in Myanmar ousted the government in February 2021. Known It is a forum for the cooperation of the Lancang River. Of deeper importance is a clear message about the conflict taking place in Myanmar: China has chosen to strengthen the Myanmar military in the fight against the rapidly growing resistance movement and will support the position of the government in the main multilateral platform. .

Fighters of the rebel People's Defense Forces inspect a government military position in Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2022. China has opted to bolster Myanmar's military to fight a growing resistance movement. (Adam Dean/The New York Times)

Military Coup China

Military Coup China

China estimates that military assistance will encourage the continuation of geostrategic economic projects. through Burma and help expand its influence in South Asia and Southeast Asia. In contrast, Beijing views the National Unity Government (NUG) and ethnic allied armed organizations (EAOs) as obstacles to the revolution: too weak to defeat the regime but strong enough to delay China's plans to exploit Myanmar's economy in the southwestern province.

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China's approach to the government is a growing security threat in the Indo-Pacific region. Support and legitimacy for the military regime risks fueling violence in Myanmar and will push any peaceful solution to the conflict further away. Myanmar's neighbors will be forced to pay a heavy price as violence spreads throughout the region. Burma's borders and throughout the region.

As China encourages the countries of the Mekong River to strengthen relations with the military regime, the Association of East Asian Nations The South (ASEAN) risks losing the opportunity to be an honest broker between the government and the opposition, destroying the hope of the There is real consensus among ASEAN member countries. and lead to further paralyzing the response in the region.

The chance that the United States and its key partners in the region have taken action to control this situation has decreased rapidly. . Central to any response will be a challenge to China that prioritizes its economic programs on Myanmar's need to end military violence and promote reconciliation and meaningful dialogue Stable. Such efforts can lead China to realize the danger of handing over the economic stability of the regional provinces. The southwest is a barbaric, illegal and ineffective regime.

While Beijing has boosted business ties with the military's representative government since hosting the government's top diplomat in April, the military has continued to lose ground to opposition forces over the past three months. Its control has collapsed especially in the regions of Sagaing and Magway, where the army defends The people of the country drove most of the government officials out of office.

China Takes Note, Does Not Condemn Myanmar Military Coup

Now fighting on seven different fronts, the soldiers suffered major battlefield losses. At the same time, the ability to recruit and train new military forces has flowed out, making the movement completely In the dissolution of important police functions throughout the country and sending police officers to the front lines. As a result, the regime has increasingly relied on air power to maintain its position in six key states and regions - a tactic that has fueled a humanitarian and economic crisis and further angered the population.

While China continues to pay lip service to crisis talks, in the process, it has weakened ties with the National League for Democracy (NLD) and denied the NUG legitimacy even as it seeks to protect its strategic investments. In contrast to last September, when the Communist Party of China (CPC) invited the NLD to attend the party's congress, the NLD did not appear at subsequent CPC events, including the World Political Party Summit held last week.

China's central calculation is the urgency for the southwestern provinces to meet the goals set by state planners in the past decade for cross-border projects in Myanmar.

Military Coup China

For Yunnan province in particular, the construction of strategic infrastructure that connects Kunming with the Yin Ocean Dia, while improving the China-Myanmar energy corridor is considered the key to improving growth and Security. The stakes in Yunnan Province have risen significantly after Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, visited the province and Myanmar in 2019 and 2020. In late 2021, Yunnan officials began to notice a slowdown in growth that threatened progress toward their development goals.

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As the army begins to signal in October 2021 its intention to move ahead with China's long-awaited development program, officials in Yunnan province see an opportunity to quickly gain approval for their plans. While the relationship between the government and China warmed up in April after China hosted the "Minister of "foreign countries" of the government in visiting the two countries, the government took various steps to promote two important efforts to connect most of China. the ocean in Kwai Phi, and the Muse-Mandalay railway project. In May and June, the Myanmar government actively evaluated these projects, which were Active response from China, took advantage of the minister's visit last week to sign the agreement Many collaborations by agents to rule by the military.

While the government is eager to start these projects, it is important to recognize the challenges posed to any form of large-scale infrastructure development in Myanmar due to the violent civil war.

Just to maintain control of key infrastructure projects - in part from the takeover of local communities that pushed for a return to elected government - government forces were forced to use large amounts of military force. The worst case of military intervention involved the Letpedaung copper mine owned by the Chinese company Wanbao Mining. The government army stationed troops inside the company's headquarters and used it as a base to attack the group. People who challenge military control. Wanbao has been an accessory to human rights abuses and war crimes and is part of the ongoing civil war. ongoing.

There is reason to believe that new programs will result in similar violence because force is the only tool. of the military in solving the opposition of the community. The level of conflict is expected to be particularly intense over the railway project, as the military does not control a large area of ​​Magway - a key area through which the proposed road must pass if it is to connect Mandalay with the port of Kyaukphyu.

Myanmar's Troubled History: Coups, Military Rule, And Ethnic Conflict

Equally dire for the railway project is the situation in Shan State. As the military confronts the complex web of armed groups there, EAO agencies in the North and The southern part of the Shan still fights for control and influence, especially along important transportation corridors.

While China is an important international player who unquestionably supports the Chinese government, Beijing does not Like to be seen as a bilateral action or without the support of regional organizations. China's first strategy is based on ASEAN, saying that ASEAN's centrality principle allows A suitable multilateral space to solve the crisis. This helped raise the issue from the United Nations Security Council and called on countries to support the response. More strongly, operate within the agreed framework of ASEAN.

ASEAN announced 5 points of consensus on Myanmar in April 2021 but agreed on only one name. each other, with a particularly important division between maritime and mainland states. The first is about human rights violations and the government's refusal to negotiate with the opposition. Riparian states are more powerful countries, especially Cambodia and Laos, which are particularly aligned with China on territorial issues. Political science.

Military Coup China

Throughout 2021, China has encouraged the maritime members of ASEAN to support the government's plan to solve the crisis, namely: Establish an election committee that supports the military, join together to elect a number of lower-level military committees into the The peace process, carrying out economic projects, and finally holding fraudulent elections. To give power to the military representative party government. To China's dismay, major maritime countries, especially Malaysia and Indonesia, rejected the government's statement and called on ASEAN to negotiate with the opposition.

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When Cambodia assumed the position of ASEAN chairman at the end of last year, initially China thought that He can use Cambodia's commitment as ASEAN Special Envoy to move the group towards Legitimacy and recognition of the government. In the face of a push against maritime nations, Cambodia has proven to be uncertain - and even Change - In his role as President and Special Envoy, Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that Cambodia would "throw in the towel" "body" on Myanmar.

Blocked from ASEAN, China sought the Lancang River Cooperation Forum (LMC) for regional institutional support. Established in 2016 as a vehicle to deepen China's involvement in the Mekong River region, the LMC includes Mekong countries and focuses on water resource development in particular. (Part of China called Lancang).

With the Ukraine conflict occupying the West, China and the government held a state meeting. The 7th LMC Foreign Minister quietly revealed the plan just a few days before Mr. Wang Yi will arrive in Myanmar. China can easily host the conference as it did in 2021 where he is the co-chairman. Instead, it encouraged the Myanmar government to host the event as a co-chair.

The meeting in Myanmar shows the great challenge of ASEAN. Four ASEAN

Us, Britain, China, Others Condemn Myanmar's Military Coup

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